Apollo 11

Did you know that Apollo 11 had 25 seconds of fuel left before landing on the moon ? They almost ran out of fuel !Neil Armstrong piloted the small module that would land on the moon but, due to an autopilot issue, the module was sent towards rocks.Armstrong had to change course and managed to […]

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Space dog

Did you know that the first living being in space was a dog ?In 1957, soviet engineer Serguei Korolev (1907-1966), the man in charge of the soviet space program, launched humanity ´s first satellite Spoutnik and send a dog named Laika in space. It was the first living being to ever leave the Earth’s atmosphere.

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The beginning

Where do we come from? Are we alone in the Universe? Are we going to live on others planets? And so many other questions… The word “planet” comes from the Greek word “planets”, meaning “wanderer”. For many ancient civilizations, the planets were thought to be deities. Our planets’ names are the roman names for deities. […]

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Hello Earthlings!

This blog is for kids but everyone is welcome here.The purpose of going-to-mars.com is to encourage you to get interested in space exploration.Your curiosity is your best friend and we hope to tickle it !!!Never forget that you can find a lot of informations in books to complete our story. So let’s go on a great journey […]

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